Book 4 Cover

The fourth book

By Sarah Sparkes

Book 4 Cover
Book 4 Contents

The fourth book

By Sarah Sparkes

Book 4 Contents
Etsy Flower Wheel

Flower Colour Wheel

In Etsy Shop

Etsy Flower Wheel
Slide One NB

The second book

By Sarah Sparkes

Slide One NB
Redbubble 01

In Redbubble Shop

Redbubble 01
Etsy 04

Patch The Tortoise

In Etsy Shop

Etsy 04
Slide One

The Original Book

By Sarah Sparkes

Slide One
Etsy 01

Triple Tulip

In Etsy Shop

Etsy 01
Etsy 02

Coloured Circle

In Etsy Shop

Etsy 02
Slide OneA NB

By Sarah Sparkes

Slide OneA NB
Etsy 05

The Art Of Stitching

In Etsy Shop

Etsy 05
Etsy 03

Square Love

In Etsy Shop

Etsy 03
Etsy 01

Autumn Leaf

In Etsy Shop

Etsy 01
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Welcome To Tortoise Crafts

The Home Of Quilted Postcards

Welcome to my website

This is the digital home of my creative life, from Quilted Postcards & Quilts, to my hobbies of Knitting, Crochet, Weaving & Embroidery. In short all things Patchwork & Fabric!

Please take time to look about and if you would like to subscribe, then please do. I have a section just for subscribers where I have details of some designs that you can download.

I now have a feed to my Instagram & Facebook Feeds right on this home page, so you can see what I've been up to making.

However long you stay I hope you pickup and take away with you just a bit of my passion for all things fabric, thread & yarn.


Latest Updates  08/02/25

Hello from the home of Tortoise Crafts.

Things have been quiet on my creative life, I am slowly working on a few ideas when I can, but my time has been very limited this year. I hope to share some of them in 2025.

In the meantime the fourth book Quilted Postcards The Art Edition was published in 2023 and is available to order on Amazon  as are my three other books. The longest one yet! More info HERE

We are continuing to add to the series on Nine Patch Blocks which started with the introduction and starter design and we are now on the 29th design, with more to come and is free to download for Members.

Remember, we have a Redbubble Shop where you can buy images of some of my favourite Quilted Postcards that I have made. There are a selection for all different occasions, including some lovely Easter ones.

There are also my Rambles for you to read, the latest being "Hand Stitching".

On Laura & Sarah Designs @Tortoise Crafts,  Laura is still working on her Blackwork Embroidery series, the latest one being Medieval Dress Blackwork.  To add to those that we already have available on our Etsy store. BookshelfVintage Sewing Machine, Square Love Blackwork Design.  a Coloured Blackwork Circle Design and the Coloured Blackwork Autumn Leaf Design and many others. As well as other Patchwork designs.

Remember that I regularly post on Facebook and Instagram.

From us at Tortoise Crafts, happy creating.